Tuesday 23 April 2013

Our new topic so far...

Yestrday we made pizzas and put different toppings on them, it was fun and delicious, by Adam.

Yesterday I made a delicious pizza also I put some toppings on to it, it was very fun!
By Kayden

Today it is Greek day and we said good morning in Greek and hello in Greek, we also checked another school's blog, it was fun. Later on, we will make a Greek salad, yummy!
By Cerys


  1. Those pizzas do look delicious! It looks like you all have a lot of fun learning in your classroom. It's the school holidays in NZ at the moment, but Room 2 will get in contact with you as soon as they're back at school. They'll be so excited to have some email buddies on the other side of the world. Here's a link to our classroom blog http://room2adventures.blogspot.co.nz/

  2. what was on your pizza scott.

  3. what was on your pizza

  4. Sounds like you hade a good engage week making all of them lovely foods from different countries around the world.

  5. It looks like kayden is enjoying that.

  6. I wish I was there!

    From Dylen

  7. All of those foods look nice!!
    HJ JH

  8. I loved making pizza it was yummy. By Cerys
